H&C Consideration

Are you facing exceptional circumstances that prevent you from returning to your home country?

Consider applying for Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&C) consideration.

H&C consideration is available to individuals who are currently in Canada and cannot return to their home country due to exceptional circumstances, such as persecution, war, or humanitarian crisis. It is a discretionary measure that allows individuals to apply for permanent residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.

At ABS Immigration, we understand that each case is unique, and we offer a range of services to help individuals navigate the H&C application process. Our experienced team of immigration consultants can provide guidance on the necessary documentation and evidence required to support your case, as well as offer personalized support throughout the entire process.

H&C consideration can be a complex and challenging process, but our team of immigration consultants can help simplify it and make it easier for you to understand. We offer competitive pricing and a personalized approach to each client, ensuring that you receive the best possible service.

Don’t give up on your dreams of staying in Canada. Contact us today to learn more about H&C consideration and start your application process. With ABS, you can get the support you need to build a new life in Canada and move forward with confidence.

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Monday-Friday - 9am to 6pm
Saturday - 10am - 4 pm